John Abroon, MD
Dr. John Abroon is a board-certified internist/primary care physician in New York City on the Upper East Side. Dr. Abroon provides compassionate health care with a wide range of medical services. His primary goal is to keep his patients healthy by recommending annual wellness check-ups along with diagnostic testing to search for any underlying anomalies.
His office is the leading provider of pre-operative medical clearance for cosmetic, ophthalmological, general and orthopedic surgeries. Whether it be minor surgery or complex open-heart surgery, Dr. Abroon and his team are set up to deliver accurate and precise evaluation of patients undergoing surgery. It is highly recommended to have a pre-op medical evaluation prior to surgery to stabilize patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders, etc. Dr. Abroon’s office will make sure that patients are evaluated and examined only by him to facilitate prompt clearance.
Dr. Abroon has set up his office to be a unique practice to consolidate old school with cutting-edge medicine for his patients. He calls this Total Personalized Health, which is more comprehensive than concierge medicine, and encompasses prompt evaluation of medical need to cut through the usual medical red tape. Please inquire how to become members of this club.
Being in private practice in New York City for the past 25 years has allowed Dr. Abroon to gather a team of highly skilled, top-notch physicians for his referral base. He is a civil surgeon certified by the United States Department of Homeland Security to evaluate and examine patients who need their Green Card or Citizenship documents completed by DHS1-833-596-0339 physicians. The examination and laboratory fees for this examination are all included in a one-time payment.