Immigration Medical Exam FAQ

Are you seeking information regarding the immigration medical exam in New York, NY? We have compiled a comprehensive list of answers to the most frequently asked questions to assist you in this process. Should you have further inquiries or wish to book an appointment for an immigration medical exam with our esteemed internist in New York, New York, feel free to reach out to us at 212-288-0900. We are here to help you navigate this important step with ease and confidence.

How much is an immigration medical exam?

The typical cost of an immigration exam and laboratory testing is $700.00. This includes completion of the I-693 USCIS application.

How long does the immigration medical examination take?

The exam is usually completed in 15-20 minutes. There is the initial exam, a blood test and a second visit to review the results, and if needed, a vaccine booster. You will also need to complete the I-693 form and sign it in front of Dr. John Abroon before sealing it into an envelope.

What do I need to bring with me for my immigration medical exam?

You need to bring with you as many records of your immunizations from birth to present from back home. If you are unable to acquire these records, then we will perform blood/laboratory testing to determine your immunization viability.

Is this the best time to apply for my green card?

With all the issues coming up for the immigrants that want to obtain a green card or apply for US citizenship, (political, local or international problems) the best time is right now to apply for your green card. Years ago, it took six to 12 months to obtain your green card. Now, it could take up to five years, so act quickly and start applying for your green card.

Please check with your immigration attorney as to when the best time is to apply. If you currently do not have an attorney, we are happy to recommend one to you.

Can my general doctor do the immigration exam and complete the I-693 form?

The immigration medical exam meant for green card or citizenship needs to be done by a certified civil surgeon and member of USCIS, otherwise your application will get rejected. A non-USCIS civil surgeon cannot complete the I-693. Otherwise, the application will get rejected and the whole process needs to start all over again.

Where can I find the most reputable immigration doctor near me?

The best way to find an immigration civil surgeon is to go on the USCIS website or ask your attorney.

Can my children also be seen by the same civil surgeon who will do my exam?

Most civil surgeons (Immigration Medical Exam) can see all ages for green card or citizenship applications.

Should I complete the I-693 USCIS form before my exam appointment?

You need to complete the front page of the I-693, and place your name and ID number on all subsequent pages (typewritten/autofill by computer is a plus).

What if I don’t have my immunization records from back home?

If you are not in possession of your immunization records from back home, no worries! We will have perform a blood test on you to get the levels of immunity on all the required vaccinations (MMR, TdaP, Hep A, B, etc)

What if my immigration lawyer is in another state? Can I still see my local USCIS doctor?

Yes, you can still see a local USCIS-approved doctor (also known as a civil surgeon) for your immigration medical exam, even if your immigration lawyer is in another state. Just be sure to inform your lawyer of when you complete the exam and check to see if there is any additional information required.

Does my green card application get rejected if the I-693 form is not completed correctly?

If your I-693 application is not completed correctly, for example, a non-civil surgeon completed the application or if the proper immunization is not performed correctly, your application will be rejected, and you will have to start all over again.

When should I submit my completed I-693 immigration exam form to the immigration office?

As soon as you finish the exam and are given your completed I-693 application in a sealed envelope, you should go to the immigration office to hand it over to them.

Should I make sure that the I-693 form is given to me in a sealed envelope?

Yes, please make sure that the I-693 form is in a sealed envelope, and DO NOT open it. Good luck!