PPD (Tuberculosis) Testing

Tuberculosis (TB) bacterial infection that mostly affects the lungs and is highly contagious. We encourage you to receive testing as soon as possible, since early detection is paramount to preventing the disease from spreading. PPD testing, also called the Mantoux test, is a widely used diagnostic tool for tuberculosis.

During the test, a tiny amount of purified protein derivative (PPD) is injected under the skin, usually on the forearm. This test aims to determine whether someone has been exposed to the bacteria that cause TB. After the injection, the site is examined after 48 to 72 hours to check for a reaction. A raised, red bump at the injection site indicates a positive result.

While PPD testing is an effective screening method, a positive result does not always mean an active tuberculosis infection. Further diagnostic tests, such as chest X-rays and sputum analysis, are required to confirm an active infection. Our internist and team ensures accurate administration and interpretation of the test results.

If you suspect exposure to tuberculosis or need to meet certain testing requirements, do not hesitate to contact us for PPD testing. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Early detection and appropriate treatment are vital in the fight against tuberculosis, which is why we encourage you to come in for tuberculosis testing in New York, New York, with Dr. John Abroon. Call 212-288-0900 to schedule yours today.

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