February Is American Heart Month and Our Doctor Can Determine Your Heart Health

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Since February is American Heart Month, Dr. Abroon it’s a good time to check your heart health to see if you are in good shape for this new year. We offer various heart health assessments treatment that can help you create better health.

-Chest X-Ray: This helps Dr. Abroon check on any current heart problems like heart failure or having an enlarged heart. A chest radiograph is done during your routine medical evaluation or if you have sustained injuries. This helps Dr. Abroon check your heart along with your, lungs, airway, lymph nodes, and blood vessels as well.

-Cholesterol Panel: Also called lipid panels, these are blood tests that help us screen for heart disease. Lipids are fats that provide your body with the energy it needs. However, too many lipids can lead to a block in the aorta. By getting a cholesterol panel Dr. Abroon can measure the following:

  • Triglycerides
  • HDL levels (“good” cholesterol)
  • LDL levels (“bad” cholesterol)
  • Total cholesterol level

Note: Dr. Abroon may also check your VLDL (very-low density lipoprotein as needed. This is a type of blood fat considered to be “bad” along with LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

-Electrocardiogram: This diagnostic test is simple, comfortable and quick, and evaluates the electrical activity of your heart. Also called an ECG or EKG, it is a painless test using small electrode patches that are placed onto your skin over the chest, arms and legs. This machine takes readings of your electrical impulses traveling through your heart so Dr. Abroon can determine the following:

  • Your heart’s rhythm
  • Any heart abnormalities
  • Blood flow to and from your heart
  • Diagnose heart attacks

If needed, the doctor may recommend getting a resting phase electrocardiogram and an exercise phase electrocardiogram to better determine your cardiovascular health.

-Weight Loss Management: Your heart health is also affected by carrying excess weight and its associated issues. Excess weight stresses your body and increases your risk of heart disease as well as breathing issues, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Losing weight under our doctor’s supervision can promote better heart health along with better overall health. Dr. Abroon offers weight loss management for healthy weight loss (over too rapid, unhealthy weight loss).

Your heart health is important for a healthy lifestyle. For more information or to schedule an examination, please contact our medical office in New York, New York to schedule your visit with Dr. John Abroon.