Healthy Weight Loss Goals To Implement for the New Year

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January is a time when we set new goals that will guide us throughout the new year to come. It should come as no surprise that many people choose this time to take renewed focus and energy by taking better care of their health. This includes losing weight as needed, especially after the seasonal indulgences of the past few months!

Our dedicated physician, Dr. John Abroon, MD is pleased to work with our team in providing weight loss solutions in New York, New York, for our patients looking to improve their health. We know that excess weight (and its associated problems) can be a struggle for many, so our goal is to help our patients reach their weight loss goals in a healthy manner that also helps maintain those goals long-term.

Why Lose Weight?

Our bodies feel stressed when carrying extra weight around. The ensuing potential health issues like heart disease, breathing problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure can take a toll on our systems. Losing weight in an unhealthy manner can lead to other health concerns:

  • Muscle loss
  • Liver issues
  • Loose skin
  • Gallstones
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Seizures and arrhythmia from electrolyte imbalance

Dr. Abroon is pleased to provide healthy weight loss management so you can lose unwanted weight carefully and steadily while keeping your body healthy and strong, maintaining your desired quality of living. One of the ways Dr. Abroon provides this assistance is by creating a personalized weight loss plan for you to implement into your everyday lifestyle. This involves preventive care and full collaboration between our doctor and yourself to meet and maintain your healthy weight loss goals such as the following:

  • Making behavior modifications
  • Getting quality nutrition
  • Implementing practical exercise and activity
  • Seeing our doctor regularly to monitor your health and progress


You may be recommended to receive a fat reduction procedure for safe body sculpting and fat elimination, called truSculpt iD®. This procedure effectively removes stubborn fat around the abdomen, hips and flanks. To schedule your consultation with our doctor, please call (212) 288-0900 today!