Prepare for Your Vacation with Travel Vaccines

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When planning an international trip, make sure that visiting the practice of John Abroon, M.D. is on your to-do list. Our doctor and team are happy to help you prepare by providing the vaccinations in New York City, NY, that you need for your vacation. Visit our office several months before you plan on leaving, as some vaccines need more than one dose with a few months in between.

You may need to receive vaccinations to protect against one or more of the following:

– Childhood infections, if your vaccines aren’t up to date. This includes polio, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, mumps, and rubella.
– Tetanus, if you have not received this shot in the last 10 years.
– Hepatitis A. This vaccine includes two shots. The first shot works in about four weeks and protects most individuals from contracting Hepatitis A. The second shot, which is given at least six months after the first, provides lasting protection.
– Hepatitis B.
– Yellow fever. This vaccine is mandatory for travelers who go to countries in South America and Africa where the disease is active.
– The flu or pneumonia.
-Typhoid fever.
– Rabies, if rabies is common in the country you are visiting.

We welcome you to contact our office today to learn more and to schedule an appointment.