trusculpt® ID Can Help You Create the Body You Have Always Wanted!

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At the medical office of Dr. John Abroon, our board-certified internist, we are proud to offer our patients the latest in weight loss technology to help them achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy body. One of the ways we help our patients get the body sculpting they desire is through truSculpt® iD in NYC’s Upper East Side.

Complementing your truSculpt iD consultations and treatments includes vitamins, exercise, and lifestyle changes to support your new physique. This revolutionary body sculpting treatment gets rid of stubborn fat and helps tone the muscles. This personalized body sculpting treatment works with any shape or body type to get rid of unwanted fat in hard-to-lose places like your abdomen and thighs. Not only that, but the treatment can be done in as little as a 15-minute hand-free treatment to reveal your true shape!

Dr. Abroon customizes your treatments just for you. This means we can help remove unwanted fat, renew your skin and rebuild your muscles so you can reach your body goals. truSculpt® iD is not only customizable to your unique needs, but it is also quick and comfortable, starting with your first treatment. After that, you simply come in for 3 additional muscle-sculpting treatments. During that time Dr. Abroon will work on helping you build muscle to create your ideal shape by targeting specific areas you are unhappy with and adding more definition. By increasing muscle mass and speeding up your metabolism, truSculpt® iD can successfully lessen your body’s fat stores. You will also find yourself looking younger so you can show your body off with pride, wearing the clothes you love to wear and your treatments will give you results safely without needing any downtime.

Why Dr. John Abroon Loves offering truSculpt® iD

-Offers our patients personalized, hands-free and hand-held solutions
-Is non-invasive and tailored to your individual needs
-Uses Real-Time Temperature Control to get proven clinical results comfortably
-Treats the whole fat layer, not just the top
-Allows customization so that your abdomen and other body areas (like upper arms and legs) can be treated simultaneously

If you are looking to sculpt your body for a more attractive, younger-looking appearance in 2021, why not try truSculpt® body sculpting? You have nothing to lose except unwanted fat and skin. Dr. Abroon’s holistic regimen delivers a customized treatment experience to leave you happier with your body and your overall health with noticeable results within your first treatment! Call us today at (212) 288-0900 to schedule your consultation!